Aloe excelsa

Aloe excelsa
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
clade: Angiosperms
clade: Monocots
Order: Asparagales
Family: Xanthorrhoeaceae
Subfamily: Asphodeloideae
Genus: Aloe
Species: A. excelsa
Binomial name
Aloe excelsa

Aloe excelsa, also known as the Zimbabwe Aloe is an arborescent aloe. It has attracted the attention of gardeners and parks planners for its imposing appearance and tolerance for a wide range of conditions. In its natural habitat, it thrives best when given plenty of water during its growing season but requires a sharp dry period with cooler conditions when the impressive flowers appear.


The Zimbabwe Aloe is a large aloe that reaches tree dimensions of 5-6 metres, although 3 metres is a common height. It is single-stemmed and all but the lowest part of the trunk is swathed in the remains of dead leaves. The leaves form a compact rosette at the top, spreading becoming recurved and up to 1 metre long. They are dark green in summer and succulent, up to 3 cm thick at the centre.[1]


The Zimbabwe aloe is named for the large number of specimens founds growing around the ruins of Great Zimbabwe where it has attracted much attention for its size and shape. It grows well in localities favoured with good drainage and moderately stable soils such as rocky, wooded hillsides. It is found over a relatively small area of south-central Africa from the Magato mountains in Limpopo province of South Africa at its southern limit northwards along the southern side of the central watershed of Zimbabwe and extending into hilly locations on the south side of the Zambezi river in Mozambique, with two outlying populations forming its northern limits around Mulanje mountain in Malawi and in the Kafue Gorge just across the Zambezi river in Zambia.[2] It is restricted by too much heat in the dry season to the north and cold winds in the winter season to the south. It tolerates light frost during its resting (and flowering) season which occurs occasionally at its favoured altitudes of 800-1600 metres. [3]


  1. ^ Flora Zambesiaca, accessed 13/4/09
  2. ^ Trees of Southern Africa, Coates Palgrave, K., Struik Publishers, (2002)
  3. ^